Terea IQOS

IQOS Terea Sticks Vs Heets: A Significant Distinction

Introducing IQOS Heets And TEREA Tobacco Sticks

IQOS Heets are a kind of tobacco (snuff)-infused sticks that heat snuff instead of lighting it up on fire, replacing stenchy smoke with vapor. It does not combust snuff like cigarettes which results in giving off a lower level of 95% of filthy toxins. This lower level of filthy chemical emission does not determine whether they are risk-free. However, in numerous ways, IOQS Heets do offer a better substitute for cancer sticks to consumers who want to shift.

TEREAtobacco sticks on the other hand are induced by exclusive steel-covered plates, and produce warmth via electromagnetic induction inside the IQOS ILUMA. This electromagnetic warming process of snuff provides a non-disruptive and improved taste draw and generous vapor.

These twigs are closely packed from both ends leaving no space for snuff remains to escape the ILUMA machine. Plus, with the one-click auto start/stop function, the machine automatically begins to prepare the snuff on the insertion of Terea IQOS, so does turn off on the removal.

This Is Why TEREA Tobacco Sticks And IOQS HEETS Are Not Same?

  • HEETS are prepared with HEAT CONTROL TECHNOLOGY and a sizzling hot plate in the IQOS machine. While TEREA tobacco twigs get warmed through the smart snuff content-inducing technology.
  • TEREA twigs are circular in shape with metal ring endings, while HEETS snuff twigs are square-shaped and enclosed with a paper filter.

IOQS HEETS Flavors And Intensities

  • IQOS Heets Yellow: 0.5 mg nicotine content per stick citrusy and spicy taste.
  • IQOS Heets Bronze: Has 0.6 mg content of nicotine per stick, cocoa, and dried fruit-induced smooth and aromatic experience.
  • IQOS Heets Sienna: 0.6 mg content of nicotine per stick, woody spicy flavor with a touch of bitterness.
  • HEETS Green:  Menthol taste with only 0.5 mg nicotine per stick.
  • HEETS Summer Breeze: 0.5 mg nicotine per stick, blue color, and a peach taste with a hint of minty freshness.
  • HEETS Laguna Swift: 0.5 mg nicotine per stick, a light green color and citrus flavor with a touch of menthol.

TEREA Tobacco Sticks Flavors And Intensities

  • Regular Series: Snuff-based with diversifying strength, intensity, and aroma.
  • Menthol Series: Minty freshness.
  • Flavor Regular Series: A combo of red berries and menthol snuff.
  • Flavor Menthol Series: Covers a variety of menthol with a hint of sweetness.


IQOS Abu Dhabi Heets and TEREA snuff twigs are a healthy substitute for keeping up with the stenchy and lung-decreasing cigarettes.  If you are ready to give up on those cancer twigs, It is recommended to give a shot to these snuff sticks for a variety of good flavors and fragrances to your personality.

IQOS Heets and TEREA tobacco sticks, two types of sizzled snuff products, used with the IQOS machines. In this blog, you will learn the distinctive characteristics and flavorful intensities these two snuff twigs have to offer.